* Make sure that you have DocBookWiki and phpWebApp . If you have not downloaded any release, you can get them like this: bash$ cd /var/www/ bash$ svn checkout \ https://svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/doc-book/books/trunk \ books bash$ cd books/ bash$ svn checkout \ https://svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/phpwebapp/web_app/trunk \ web_app * Make sure that the required packages (see README) are installed or install them if they are not. In RedHat/Fedora it can be done like this: bash$ rpm -q package-name bash# yum install package-name bash# apt-get install package-name In Debian it can be done like this: bash$ aptitude search package-name bash$ aptitude install package-name * Manual installation of dblatex (which is used for converting to formats PDF and LaTeX) can be done like this: 1. Download and untar it somewhere. 2. Install it like this: bash# cd dblatex/ bash# python ./setup.py install --prefix=/usr/local \ --catalogs=/etc/sgml/catalog * To compile and install manually swish-e , follow these steps: 1. Download it from http://swish-e.org/ and untar it somewhere. 2. Make sure that packages libxml2 and libxml2-devel are installed. 3. Compile with ./configure and make and make check . 4. Install with make install . * Before starting the installation of DocBookWiki, create a user, e.g. dbwiki, that will be the owner of the application and the data: bash# useradd dbwiki bash# chown -R dbwiki /var/www/books/ * Edit 'books.conf' and modify any settings there, such as DATA_OWNER, ADMIN_EMAIL, etc. * Switch to root and run 'install/sudo_config.sh'. * Go back to the user 'dbwiki' and run 'install/install.sh' . You will be prompted to enter the password of the root user of mysql (which is needed for initializing the database of webnotes). * After installing DocBookWiki, open in browser 'admin.php' and login as superuser. There you can add new books in DocBookWiki and organize them in a menu. You can also manage the users of the system and their permissions. Each book should have at least one admin. Tip: The password of the superuser can be changed at any time by the script: bash$ install/set_su_passwd.sh